Cookie Policy

To make the Beeswax website and advertising services work properly, we and our service providers sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. This cookie policy provides additional information about cookies appearing on the website at or other websites owned by Beeswax or used in connection with our services. This information includes:

What Are Cookies?
What Are Cookies Used For?
What Types of Cookies Do We Use?
Specific Cookies Appearing on
3rd Party Cookies
How to Make Choices About Your Cookies
Changes to This Policy
Additional Information

What Are Cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site or view an advertisement. It enables the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other display preferences, and the contents of your shopping cart) over a period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another. It also enables personalization of your web experiences. For example, a cookie may allow sites to record your browsing activities - like what pages and content you've looked at, when you visited, and whether you clicked on an ad.

To learn more about cookies, please visit

What Are Cookies Used For?

We use cookies on our website and in our services to personalize the advertisements you are served and to compile pseudonymous and aggregated statistics that allow us and our customers to understand how people use and react to these websites and advertisements.

The cookie-related information used for advertising is pseudonymous, which means it is tied to a unique identifier associated with your devices, but we do not identify you personally, such as by name, address, email, phone number, and the like.

What Types of Cookies Do We Use?

Cookies are often categorized in three ways: Origin and Relationship, Duration, and Purpose.

Origin and Relationship: Cookies are often subcategorized as 1st or 3rd party in relation to a visitor to a website. In general, a first party cookie is a cookie from the domain (website) that you see in your browser’s address bar, while third party cookies are cookies issued from companies that control third party content on the website, such as an advertisement. Advertising cookies typically appear in a 3rd party context. Some browsers have additional restrictions for cookies appearing in 3rd party contexts.

Duration: We use two types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary cookies that remain on your device for a short amount of time (up to 30 days). Session cookies are essential to make our website work correctly, as they enable you to move around our website and use our features. These cookies don’t identify you as an individual. If you do not accept these cookies, it may affect the performance of the website, or parts of it, and may prevent you from logging in to our user interface. Persistent cookies help our advertising system remember your information across websites. This results in better advertising, more tailored to your interests. Persistent cookies remain on your device for much longer or until you manually delete it (how long the cookie remains on your device will depend on the duration or "lifetime" of the specific cookie and your browser settings).

Purpose: All cookies operate in essentially the same way (a text file with a name and a value), but they can be used for different purposes. To help you make choices about your cookies, we categorize the cookies we use into the following four categories based on their generalized use:

  • Strictly Necessary: Strictly necessary cookies are essential cookies that provide a material function for a service you request. Without such cookies, such website functions or services could not occur. Strictly necessary cookies usually relate to the site’s content management system or load balancing.
  • Functional: Functional cookies are cookies which provide convenience to the consumer and improve the user experience, but where the absence of the cookie will not cause the site to fail. Cookies that remember your shopping cart items are a good example of functional cookies.
  • Advertising: Advertising cookies are cookies used in the ad ecosystem. They may relate data about a user, such as previous browsing activity or other data related to the user, that is used to deliver tailored ads based on the user’s interests, such as travel or clothing. They may also be used to count or limit a user’s exposures to an ad, provide users with ads on social media, or measure the postclick or exposure activity of that user.
  • Analytics: Analytics cookies are cookies used to measure website traffic and usage patterns. Analytics cookies can be used to count the number of unique visitors to a site, what led the users to the site, how long they spent on the site or how the site is navigated.

Specific Cookies Appearing on

3rd Party Cookies

The Beeswax website contains both 1st party cookies placed by Beeswax and 3rd party cookies placed by our service providers, which are listed in the Specific Cookies Appearing on section above. Beeswax has some control over the functionality of our service provider’s cookies and the data we receive from them, but we do not control either the expiry (how long a cookie will remain on your device) or the retention (how long the 3rd party will retain information collected by the cookie), so we cannot make any commitments about them. For more information about these cookies, please access the privacy policies of these services providers from the information provided in the table above.

How to Make Choices About Your Cookies

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – for details, see You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit our website and some services and functionalities may not work. Also, many of the cookie opt out options discussed below rely on opt-out cookies to operate, so if you delete your cookies after opting out, you must renew your opt out choices for each of your devices.

You can control cookies used on your devices using these methods:

  • Browser controls – All modern browsers allow you to set your cookie preferences. For more information, see the Network Advertising Initiative’s information on Browser Controls.
  • Opt-Out Controls – Many advertisers and digital publishers offer a method for opting out of cookies other than essential cookies that are strictly necessary for websites and online services to operate. If you elect to opt out, you still have a cookie, but it will be an opt-out cookie that serves the sole purpose of remembering your choice as having opted out, and it conveys no unique information.
    • To opt-out of non-essential cookies used in connection with the Beeswax Sites, click here.
    • To opt-out of non-essential cookies used in connection with the Beeswax Services, do the following:
      • Opt-out of the Beeswax Services cookie by clicking here. After you click this link, Beeswax will cease collecting data from your device and disassociate your device from any data previously collected from you. Alternatively, you can use the method below.
      • Opt-out of the Beeswax Services Cookie and the cookies of many third party advertising industry participants by using the cookie management services provided by advertising industry websites. These tools allow you to opt out from the cookies of companies that participate in their programs. Beeswax participates in the following industry cookie preference services: US - Digital Advertising Alliance:, US - Network Advertising Initiative:

For most mobile devices, you can opt out of Beeswax’s use of information about your usage of mobile apps for interest-based advertising by using your device settings. You can find information about setting up your advertising preferences on mobile devices by visiting

Changes to This Policy

Beeswax may update this cookie policy from time to time or may change the cookies on our website. The date of the last update can be found at the top of this cookie policy.

Additional Information

For more information relating to the collection, use, sharing or security of personal information in connection with the Beeswax website, please see our Website Privacy Policy, and in connection with our advertising services, please see our Services Privacy Policy.

Last Updated: October 1, 2020